CLINIX established the Vuvuzela Hotline to provide all its stakeholders (including stakeholders – the public) with a mechanism whereby they could voice any suspicion of unethical behaviour totally anonymous, as an alternative to remain silent. This hotline is part of CLINIX’ commitment to zero-tolerance against dishonest and unethical behaviour within our Group.
Please visit www.thehotline.co.za to access additional information.
Help Promote a Culture of Zero Tolerance
In many ways, stakeholders in an organization (employees, suppliers, consumers and executive management) are similar to the make-up of a soccer team (players, the management team, and coaching staff).
Organizations often take the existence of ethics for granted in the workplace, just as soccer team stakeholders assume ‘fair play’ as a given. History here, and abroad, has proven these assumptions to be wrong.
For us at CLINIX, ethics is not a new term – it is one of our core values. However, ethics is not only about intuitively making the right decision, but more often about the constant development of a system for ethical decision making and ethical empowerment. Our goal is to ensure that the integrity of CLINIX stakeholders is always above reproach – a goal I am confident we all share.
To this end, CLINIX has established an anonymous, independently managed Fraud Reporting Line (‘The Vuvuzela Hotline’) to provide its stakeholders with a mechanism whereby they could voice any suspicion of unethical behaviour, totally anonymous. Many potential whistle-blowers worry that they may be victimised for voicing their concerns. And, unless a ‘safe space’ is created where stakeholders can make reports in a safe and secure way, this fear will continue to be a problem. Rest assured that The Vuvuzela Hotline is a totally anonymous, independently managed reporting facility specializing in the management of confidential and sensitive information. The Vuvuzela Call Centre is staffed with well-trained Hotline advisors who are skilled at helping you to report your concerns and information in a safe and effective manner. The Vuvuzela Hotline is part of CLINIX’ commitment to zero-tolerance against dishonest and unethical behaviour of any of our stakeholders.
Ultimately, our aim is for all CLINIX stakeholders to work together in building up a winning team – something worth cheering for.